Tuesday 17 September 2013

Robocop Remake Trailer review by Alex Roy

In 1987, an iconic film hit the screens. This film was to become one of the most memorable action films of the 1980's, joining Terminator, Die Hard and The Predator. That film was Paul Verhoeven's Robocop. The film was intense, violent, raw, gritty and downright ugly with a hint of humour. This trailer on the other is a mixed bag for me. I really don't know what to make of it. As a diehard fan of the original, my thoughts are that this film are mixed. By the looks of the trailer, it's way too much much CGI for my liking. Instead of a raw, gritty Detroit, the filmmakers make it look way too flashy with effects, thus it really cheapens the look of the film.By the looks of the trailer, this will look a lot like the Total Recall remake in terms of visuals. I have mixed feelings regarding the trailer, but since this will be released in 2014, I also think it's a bit early to judge. However the fact that this will be rated pg-13 has me a little worried. If the filmmakers would have pushed for an R rated film, they might of had a chance to create something really awesome.

There is a risk that this may be too soft for the diehard fans of the original, and that's understandable. The original film is an action classic with great action from start to finish. Who knows maybe this reboot will surprise, but I doubt that it will be a great action film and it's a shame because they could have done something here similar with what they accomplished with Dredd. The trailer looks sleak, and interesting, but there is clearly something missing to really make it appealing for action film fans. By looking at the trailer, some things feel out of place, and you ask yourself will this even be watchable? I guess We'll have to wait for its release on February 7, 2014 if this film will be any good.

Considering that the release of the film is in the early months of 2014, I'm a bit skeptical because that's when major studios tend to release their worst movies. Considering that the third Robocop film was pretty bad, this may be actually good. But I'm pretty skeptical about this one, and the trailer didn't really impress me that much. Maybe this will a film that will surprise us, but it will most likely end up being a botched remake.

Final Rating:

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