Saturday 24 August 2013

Ben Affleck Is The Dark Knight

Is Ben Affleck the right choice for Batman?
By now I'm assuming everyone has heard the news that actor/director/writer Ben Affleck has been casted as Batman in the upcoming Man of Steel sequel; well, I'm assuming everyone that owns a computer or TV and doesn't live under a rock. At San Diego Comic-Con 2013, it was announced that Batman would be making an appearance in the Man of Steel sequel, that news excited many people including myself and ever since then people have been talking about who they think could pull off the caped crusader. Personally, my top candidate was actor Josh Brolin because I think he is a great actor and that he could pull of Batman. Many others wanted Jon Hamm or Karl Urban; but, on Thursday August 22nd, 2013 it was confirmed that Ben Affleck would be playing everyone's favorite crime fighter. This news shocked a lot of people including myself, at first I was too shocked to even know how I felt about it. When I finally came to the fact that Affleck was playing Batman I was kind of angry, I thought about all the bad movies he's been in and thought it was a terrible idea to have him play Batman. To me it seemed like they just wanted to have the actor who played Batman as an A list actor and I thought Warner Brothers was just doing this because of how successful he's been, but then I thought more about it and thought about all his success. As of right now Affleck has been on a role and has made his career a lot better, this is not the same Ben Affleck from Daredevil, a movie that partially ruined his career and he has even publically admitted that. Since then he has become a fantastic director with films like Gone Baby Gone, The Town, and Argo; two of those films (The Town and Argo) he has even starred in and gave two of the best performances of his career. As of right now I'm onboard with Affleck as being Batman; but, I can't tell if he'll give a great performance until I see the movie. Plus with Affleck being Batman it could lead to other things.
By other things I mean that there could possibly be a chance of Affleck directing future Batman movies or even the upcoming Justice League film. Some people may be skeptical about Affleck directing these superhero movies but I think it would be great. Affleck has now directed three movies and none of them were bad, as a matter of fact I thought all three of them were great and I do not see Affleck directing a bad movie. This year his film Argo even won Best Picture at the Oscars, even though he was snubbed for Best Director along with Kathryn Bigelow and Quentin Tarantino. At this point I don't think Affleck could do any wrong as long as he is the director but only time can tell.

For those of you who are still against Ben Affleck as being Batman let me try to get you onboard. Everyone remembers Tim Burton's Batman and Batman Returns, right? Those were two very good Batman films and Michael Keaton was great in both, before either of those films came out people did not like the idea of Keaton as Batman because at the time he was only in comedies. People didn't like the idea of Keaton playing Batman but look what happened, he ended up being a great Batman. Before Nolan's Batman films came out and they announced Christian Bale was going to be the next Batman and people were skeptical about that. Look what happened there; many people out there believe that he is the best Batman that we will ever get and I believe that as well. And of course you also got people hating the fact that Heath Ledger was going to play Joker in The Dark Knight but I don't think I need to go into any detail there. All I'm saying is give Affleck a chance, he may be the best Batman we ever have! None of us will know if he gives a good performance or a bad performance until 2015 so just give him a chance until then.
Well everyone, those are just my brief thoughts on Affleck being casted as Batman. Every thing that was written above was coming from someone who has been a huge Batman fan for his whole life and will continue loving him until the day he dies and he means every word. As of right now I am onboard with Ben Affleck as being the next Batman and I will stick with it until the movie comes out on July 17th, 2015 and if he gives a bad performance I won't be afraid to admit it. The Man of Steel sequel will be directed by Zack Snyder and will be written by David S. Goyer. Well, now that we've got Batman out of the way let's just hope Bryan Cranston will be casted as Lex Luthor and Matt Damon will be casted as Robin. In case you don't know sarcasm I was kidding about Damon, that would be weird.

I do not own any of the pictures used in this article, I only used them for entertainment purposes. 

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