Tuesday 17 September 2013

Robocop Remake Trailer review by Alex Roy

In 1987, an iconic film hit the screens. This film was to become one of the most memorable action films of the 1980's, joining Terminator, Die Hard and The Predator. That film was Paul Verhoeven's Robocop. The film was intense, violent, raw, gritty and downright ugly with a hint of humour. This trailer on the other is a mixed bag for me. I really don't know what to make of it. As a diehard fan of the original, my thoughts are that this film are mixed. By the looks of the trailer, it's way too much much CGI for my liking. Instead of a raw, gritty Detroit, the filmmakers make it look way too flashy with effects, thus it really cheapens the look of the film.By the looks of the trailer, this will look a lot like the Total Recall remake in terms of visuals. I have mixed feelings regarding the trailer, but since this will be released in 2014, I also think it's a bit early to judge. However the fact that this will be rated pg-13 has me a little worried. If the filmmakers would have pushed for an R rated film, they might of had a chance to create something really awesome.

There is a risk that this may be too soft for the diehard fans of the original, and that's understandable. The original film is an action classic with great action from start to finish. Who knows maybe this reboot will surprise, but I doubt that it will be a great action film and it's a shame because they could have done something here similar with what they accomplished with Dredd. The trailer looks sleak, and interesting, but there is clearly something missing to really make it appealing for action film fans. By looking at the trailer, some things feel out of place, and you ask yourself will this even be watchable? I guess We'll have to wait for its release on February 7, 2014 if this film will be any good.

Considering that the release of the film is in the early months of 2014, I'm a bit skeptical because that's when major studios tend to release their worst movies. Considering that the third Robocop film was pretty bad, this may be actually good. But I'm pretty skeptical about this one, and the trailer didn't really impress me that much. Maybe this will a film that will surprise us, but it will most likely end up being a botched remake.

Final Rating:

Saturday 24 August 2013

Ben Affleck Is The Dark Knight

Is Ben Affleck the right choice for Batman?
By now I'm assuming everyone has heard the news that actor/director/writer Ben Affleck has been casted as Batman in the upcoming Man of Steel sequel; well, I'm assuming everyone that owns a computer or TV and doesn't live under a rock. At San Diego Comic-Con 2013, it was announced that Batman would be making an appearance in the Man of Steel sequel, that news excited many people including myself and ever since then people have been talking about who they think could pull off the caped crusader. Personally, my top candidate was actor Josh Brolin because I think he is a great actor and that he could pull of Batman. Many others wanted Jon Hamm or Karl Urban; but, on Thursday August 22nd, 2013 it was confirmed that Ben Affleck would be playing everyone's favorite crime fighter. This news shocked a lot of people including myself, at first I was too shocked to even know how I felt about it. When I finally came to the fact that Affleck was playing Batman I was kind of angry, I thought about all the bad movies he's been in and thought it was a terrible idea to have him play Batman. To me it seemed like they just wanted to have the actor who played Batman as an A list actor and I thought Warner Brothers was just doing this because of how successful he's been, but then I thought more about it and thought about all his success. As of right now Affleck has been on a role and has made his career a lot better, this is not the same Ben Affleck from Daredevil, a movie that partially ruined his career and he has even publically admitted that. Since then he has become a fantastic director with films like Gone Baby Gone, The Town, and Argo; two of those films (The Town and Argo) he has even starred in and gave two of the best performances of his career. As of right now I'm onboard with Affleck as being Batman; but, I can't tell if he'll give a great performance until I see the movie. Plus with Affleck being Batman it could lead to other things.
By other things I mean that there could possibly be a chance of Affleck directing future Batman movies or even the upcoming Justice League film. Some people may be skeptical about Affleck directing these superhero movies but I think it would be great. Affleck has now directed three movies and none of them were bad, as a matter of fact I thought all three of them were great and I do not see Affleck directing a bad movie. This year his film Argo even won Best Picture at the Oscars, even though he was snubbed for Best Director along with Kathryn Bigelow and Quentin Tarantino. At this point I don't think Affleck could do any wrong as long as he is the director but only time can tell.

For those of you who are still against Ben Affleck as being Batman let me try to get you onboard. Everyone remembers Tim Burton's Batman and Batman Returns, right? Those were two very good Batman films and Michael Keaton was great in both, before either of those films came out people did not like the idea of Keaton as Batman because at the time he was only in comedies. People didn't like the idea of Keaton playing Batman but look what happened, he ended up being a great Batman. Before Nolan's Batman films came out and they announced Christian Bale was going to be the next Batman and people were skeptical about that. Look what happened there; many people out there believe that he is the best Batman that we will ever get and I believe that as well. And of course you also got people hating the fact that Heath Ledger was going to play Joker in The Dark Knight but I don't think I need to go into any detail there. All I'm saying is give Affleck a chance, he may be the best Batman we ever have! None of us will know if he gives a good performance or a bad performance until 2015 so just give him a chance until then.
Well everyone, those are just my brief thoughts on Affleck being casted as Batman. Every thing that was written above was coming from someone who has been a huge Batman fan for his whole life and will continue loving him until the day he dies and he means every word. As of right now I am onboard with Ben Affleck as being the next Batman and I will stick with it until the movie comes out on July 17th, 2015 and if he gives a bad performance I won't be afraid to admit it. The Man of Steel sequel will be directed by Zack Snyder and will be written by David S. Goyer. Well, now that we've got Batman out of the way let's just hope Bryan Cranston will be casted as Lex Luthor and Matt Damon will be casted as Robin. In case you don't know sarcasm I was kidding about Damon, that would be weird.

I do not own any of the pictures used in this article, I only used them for entertainment purposes. 

Tuesday 20 August 2013

No More Weekly Breaking Bad Reviews

I am extremely sad and sorry to this but I have to; I will not be doing weekly Breaking Bad reviews anymore. I would love to do those every week but I didn't realize how school would interfere when I started last week. If you are upset by this I understand; but, I will guarantee that my buddy Alex and I will be doing a huge review of the whole series once it ends and some top 10 lists. Anyway, thanks for understanding! Hope all of you stick around and see what will come in the future for this blog!

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Breaking Bad: Season 5, Episode 9 "Blood Money" (SPOILER REVIEW)

Actors Aaron Paul (left) and Bryan Cranston (right)

Well everyone, the wait is finally over and we have now entered the final season of Breaking Bad. If know me then you know that I absolutely love Breaking Bad; I think that it is one of the greatest shows of all-time and personally it is my favorite show of all-time. Before the final season started I went back and re-watched every single episode and watched every single special feature and every single commentary on each season's Blu-Ray. Just like everyone else I was so pumped for the final season to begin and now that I have finally watched the first episode of the final season I can talk about it. The first episode of the final season it titled "Blood Money", written by Peter Gould and directed by Heisenberg himself, Mr. Bryan Cranston. Before I talk about this episode I want to let everyone know that I will spoil a lot of things so if you have not seen this episode go back and watch it, then come back and read my thoughts.
 Ok, let's start out by talking about the teaser which was just amazing and got me so pumped for the next seven episodes. The season starts with another flash-forward and we see a group of skateboarders skateboarding in some pool, after a minute we get a wide shot of where they are. So where are they? They are in the backyard of the White house and are skateboarding in the pool which is completely drained out. We also see the roof of the house and it is completely run downed, something big has happened in the White house. Next we see the fifty-two year old Walt pull up to the house and we see the front of the house and see that there is a fence that is covering the whole house. Walt gets through the fence and walks into the run downed house, which doesn't look any better from the inside. Everything inside just looks horrible, the house is completely cleared out and everything is just rotting. Walt looks at one of the walls and "Heisenberg" is written in big letters, it's safe to say that people know who he is now. Walt continues to walk through the house and goes into his old bedroom. He walks into the bedroom and goes to the electrical outlet where he unscrews it and reveals the ricin that hasn't been used ever since it showed up in season four. He takes it with him and walks back to his car. As he's getting ready to leave he notices his neighbor Carol who is clearly shocked to see him. After staring at each other for awhile he says "Hello Carol", that startles Carol and she drops the groceries that she was holding. And that's the teaser. I thought the teaser was amazing and did a good job at setting up the rest of the season. The audience now has so many questions. What happened to the White house? Who is Walt going to use the ricin on? Why did he buy a M60 machine gun? Whose after him? Lots of people say that there's going to be a final showdown with him and Hank or him and Jesse; but, I think he could be going up against Lydia or Todd. Last season Mike said, "You don't know her (Lydia) like I do" and setup the fact that she could be a threat, maybe she has some unknown forces that we haven't seen yet. Last season we also saw that Todd has some connections, maybe Walt did something to Todd or pissed Todd off. Those are just my thoughts on what's to come. Before I stop talking about the teaser I need to say that this teaser was brilliantly light and shot by cinematographer Michael Slovis and wonderfully acted/directed by Bryan Cranston.

Bryan Cranston

After the teaser we go right back to where we left off, Hank is now finishing up in the bathroom and he has read Gale's note to Walt on the first page of Leaves of Grass. Hank now knows that Walt is Heisenberg and is just stunned by it. He walks out of the bathroom with the book in his hand and it's just a very intense moment because you think he's going to go out there and talk to the whole family about it. Instead of confronting everyone he puts it in his or Marie's bag. The whole time he has this stunned look on his face because he is shocked that his brother in law is this drug kingpin. After he puts the book in the bag he goes back out and right when he opens the door Marie say, "Oh you are the devil" to Walt. Hank tells Marie that he's feeling well and they leave. As they are driving off Hank is putting all this together and has a panic attack and crashes into someone's lawn. After Hank and Marie go to the ER, Hank starts to investigate further by pulling out the old Gale file and looks at the writing from both his notebook and the Leaves of Grass. This whole time no one else knows what Hank knows and Hank is keeping it to himself. Let me say that Dean Norris was just magnificent this whole episode, he was incredible as he always is but in this episode he stands out because you believe him as this man who is just shocked by the fact that his brother in law is a meth cook. Betsy Brandt is also great in these scenes as Marie although her part in this episode isn't big. Bryan Cranston did a fantastic job at directing these scenes because he made everything so intense and part of that is due to Peter Gould's fantastic writing.
Now we return to the A1A car wash, the car wash that Walt and Skyler bought to launder Walt's drug money. Walt is now putting the car wash story first to make it believable and thinks that they should even buy another car wash because it would take decades to launder all his money with just one car wash. At this point we see that Skyler is finally lightening up to Walt again now that he's out of the business which is nice to see. After Walt and Skyler talk a familiar face comes in to get her car washed, Lydia. Lydia finds Walt at the cash register and she comes in extremely worried because the quality of the meth that is going to the Czech Republic keeps lowering. She wants Walt to come back and cook or teach people how to do it but Walt wont budge. Lydia mentions that there are "other parts in this machine" but Walt says none of her problems are of his concern. Lydia walks outside and Skyler approaches Walt, Walt says "she was a former business associate". After that Skyler walks outside and basically tells Lydia to stay the hell away from Walt and to never come back. I thought this was a great scene for so many reasons. First we see that Walt's and Skyler's relationship is starting to get better and I thought that was very nice. For so many seasons now we've their marriage decaying but we now finally see them happy again. I'm also curious about what Lydia said about "other parts" because she's basically saying that there are other people out there, maybe these other people could be who Walt is going after. I also loved the scene were Skyler goes off on Lydia, I guess you could call her Skysenberg at that moment. Overall I thought that scene was very good; Gould's writing was great, Cranston's directing and acting was terrific as always, and Laura Fraser's and Anna Gunn's performances in that scene were both very good.
Aaron Paul
At this point we are now back with Hank and Marie. It is early in the morning and Hank tells Marie that he wont be going to work. As Marie is walking out the door, two men from the DEA show up with many boxes and take them into the garage where Hank wants them. Hank now sets up a work area in his garage and goes through everything that is related to the blue meth. He goes through Gus's stuff, the nursing home explosion, even the methylamine robbery from season one. He comes to the fact that Walt is Heisenberg and as I said earlier he is in total shock. One of the best moments in the whole scene is when Hank looks at the Heisenberg picture that the Salamanca twins always had, from that moment on you know shit is about to get real.

Everything's getting intense right? Why not lighten things up with a little bit of Skinny Pete and Badger. Skinny Pete and Badger are now hanging out at Jesse's house, smoking marijuana and eating pizza. You can see that Jesse is completely out of it but Skinny Pete and Badger go on and have a good time. At one point Badger goes off on a Star Trek idea he had and boy was it funny. After awhile Jesse takes the money Walt had given him and goes off to Saul's office. Before I leave that scene I need to say that seeing Skinny Pete and Badger again was so awesome, it was such a fun scene and Charles Baker and Matt Jones knocked it out of the park as usual. Now we go to Saul's waiting room with where Jesse is waiting. Jesse cant get in immediately he decides to start smoking a blunt to get Saul's attention. Saul allows Jesse to come in and they begin their conversation. Jesse brings the money in and decides he wants to give all his money to Drew Sharp's (the boy on the dirt bike who was shot by Todd) parents and Mike's granddaughter Kaylee. Saul seems uncomfortable with the whole situation and once Jesse leaves he calls Walt. Walt says to hold on and keep the money and that he'll "handle it". We now see that Walt is in chemotherapy and we know that the cancer is back. I thought this whole scene was great as is the rest of the episode, you see that Jesse is out of it and wants nothing to do with the business anymore and you also see that Saul is starting to get uncomfortable with everything. Aaron Paul and Bob Odenkirk were both excellent in this scene and for a little bit you get to see one of my favorite characters Huell, played excellently by Lavell Crawford.

Bob Odenkirk (left) and Aaron Paul (left)
After Jesse leaves the money at Saul's office he's goes back home and later on Walt shows up with his money. Walt asks for an explanation and Jesse says, "It's like you said, it's blood money". Walt tells Jesse what has happened has happened and that they are both out of the business and they can live good lives. Walt understands why he would give money to the boys parents but he asks Jesse about Mike's granddaughter. Jesse starts to get teary eyed and says that she needs to have someone looking after her because he thinks Mike is dead and that Walt had something to do with it (which he did). Walt of course lies and keeps telling Jesse that he had nothing to do with it and that Mike is still out there and well, at one point he even says "son, you have to believe me". Key word is "have" because you can see that Walt cares about Jesse and he doesn't want to kill him because if Jesse came to the conclusion that Walt did kill Mike there would be some conflict. Jesse says he believes Walt but you can tell in his face that he doesn't believe him. I think this could bring up some problems along the way because Jesse and Mike were pretty close, plus Jesse still hasn't learned about what Walt did to Jane and Brock. Another great scene and both actors (Paul and Cranston) did a phenomenal job.
Later that night Walt and his family are having dinner. Skyler says that Hank and Marie wont be doing any activities with them because Hank still isn't feeling well. After that Skyler and Walt Jr. have a small conversation while Walt dismisses himself to go to the bathroom. Once Walt gets into the bathroom and turns on the sink and goes straight to the toilet and pukes. While he's puking he looks up to where the books and magazines are and notices Leaves of Grass is gone and then goes right back to puking. As Skyler and Walt are getting ready for bed, Walt continues to look for the book but cant find it. Walt gives up and gets in bed with Skyler, eventually he asks what's wrong with Hank. Skyler says he doesn't feel well and hasn't been to work all week. Walt is curious about Hank now so he goes outside and checks the bottom of his car. What does he find? A tracking device, which will lead to something big.
Dean Norris (left) and Bryan Cranston (right)
We now go back to Jesse, who is sleeping in his car in front of some hot dog joint (forgot the name). A homeless man walks up to Jesse's car and knock on his window. The man asks for spare change but Jesse doesn't respond. The homeless man starts to walk away but Jesse call him back and offers him a stack of bills. Jesse is now holding the bills out to him but the homeless man is shocked, eventually he takes it. Jesse takes off and goes to a very bad neighborhood and just starts to chuck all his money into these lawns. Now the audience is really starting to see how much Jesse has changed and I like that. He has changed so much from the pilot, he changed from being a druggie punk to a kinder person who can't handle the drug business anymore. One thing I can see going wrong with Jesse doing this is it causing problems. People will start asking questions and Walt will most likely not care for it. Could this lead to problems? I guess we'll have to keep watching.

Time for the best scene of the entire episode. We start out by seeing the two agents who dropped off all the files to Hank drop some more stuff off. As they leave Walt pulls up to Hank's driveway and goes into Hank's garage to talk to Hank. At this point both of them know something the other one doesn't. They start some small talk and play it dumb. Walt asks how Hank's feeling and if there is anything he needs he could help out. Walt starts to walk off but he soon turns around and asks about the tracking device that was on his car. For a moment there's nothing but silence. Hanks grabs the garage remote and close the garage door. Walt asks if something is wrong and says that he doesn't like the way Hank is looking at him. Hank doesn't hold back and just punches Walt. He picks him back up and slams him against the garage door and starts to scream "It was you!". Walt keeps acting dumb but Hanks is through with his bullshit and says that everything that's gone wrong is because of him. At this point Walt says that his cancer is back and Hanks says "good". Hank says that he's finally going to put him in a jail cell but Walt responds by saying he wont make it to a jail cell because he'd be dead by that time. This whole time Walt never reveals that he's Heisenberg, at this point I'd say Walter White is a better actor than Bryan Cranston. At one point Hank tells Walt to brings Skyler and the kids over and Walt says that wont be necessary. Hank releases him and says he doesn't even know who he's talking to. Walt responds by saying "if you truly don't know who your talking to, then your best course would to tread lightly". Cut to black. SAY WHAT?! Let me say that I was on the edge of my seat during this entire scene. This scene was flawlessly written, directed, and acted. I was so happy that this confrontation happened on the first episode of the final season and that the writers didn't push it back. This finale got me so pumped for next weeks episode and makes me wonder what will happen next.

So in the end, "Blood Money" was a terrific way to start off the final season and got pretty much everyone pumped for the rest of the season. Peter Gould's writing was magnificent, Bryan Cranston's directing was great, and all the actors gave spectacular performances. Usually I give letter grades for my ratings but for individual episodes I'll go on a 0 to 5 scale. Without a second thought I'd give "Blood Money" a 5/5. So, those are my thoughts on this weeks episode. Make sure to come back next week so you could read my thoughts on the next episode. Until next time, peace out bitches!

I do not own the pictures that are used in this post. 


Monday 24 June 2013

300 Rise of an Empire Trailer review

The first trailer for Noam Murro's follow-up to Zack Snyder's film 300 looks spectacular.By what I have judged by the trailer, Murro has captured the essence of Snyder's 300 perfectly. Murro's body of work is slim, and I'm not all too familiar with what he has done, but judging by the trailer, it looks like he was able to capture the style of Snyder's original film. 300 Rise of an Empire  looks like it has potential of being a great sequel, and one that will expand on the storyline of 300. 
I will admit that 300 looked like it didn't need a sequel, but after watching the trailer, I'm very interested in seeing where the story goes. Fans of 300 will have to wait till March 7, 2014 for this sequel to hit theatres. Set after the events of the first film, we can only guess what will be in store for the next chapter in the 300 saga. Cast members that are returning are Lena Headey, Rodrigo Santoro  Andre Tiernan and David Wenham. 2014 seems far away let's hope Rise of an Empire will be worth the wait . 

Everything Entertaining uses the pictures and trailer for entertainment purposes only.

Monday 27 May 2013

Don Jon Trailer Review By Alex Roy (aka Jeff Lebowski) and Sam Cox (aka SEC Movies)

Alex's Review: Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a truly talented actor who is able to deliver powerful and intriguing performances time after time. Over the course of his career he has made quite an impact. Now with Don Jon, he steps up his game and settles in the directors chair to direct this comedy.  At first glance this movie looks like a far superior take on the romantic comedy genre that I've seen. While I absolutely despise this genre, Don Jon looks like it has potential. Usually comedies like this tend to lose steam towards the end, hopefully Gordon-Levitt's direction will give us something that differs significantly from the usual rom coms.This film looks like it will be one of the finest comedies of the year, hopefully it won't disappoint.

Sam's Review: Anyone else remember when Joseph Gordon-Levitt played Cobra Commander in GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra? Well, I do and since then he has become such an incredible actor and to me he is one of the best working actors right now. He's always been a great actor (see one of his earlier films Brick) and now he's taking on the role of being a writer/director with his upcoming film Don Jon. In this film he is the writer, director, and the star. I've heard a little bit about this film while it was showing at Sundance and was really interested in seeing a trailer for it and now that I've seen the first trailer I can say that this movie looks great. The whole concept for this movie just looks so original and different from most comedies that come out today. One thing that made this such a magnificent trailer is that it was edited beautifully, especially when JGL's character was listing of the most important things of his life. As far as acting goes it looks like it could be really good. JGL is always great and so far Scarlett Johansson looks like she could give a great performance. Another plus for this trailer is having the main song be "Good Vibrations" by Marky Mark. So far Don Jon has me interested and is now one of my most anticipated for the rest of the year, JGL I think you might have a hit on your hands!

We do not own the pictures or videos used in this post

Saturday 25 May 2013

Welcome to our blog

This is a blog where two film lovers share their opinion on what's awesome and what is not in the world of entertainment. Both of us have unique writing styles an we're looking forward in sharing our opinions.

Stayed tuned for more exciting stuff!