Saturday 26 April 2014

'Goosebumps' Begins Filming and Releases Plot: Should I Care?

One of my favorite things to do in elementary school and the beginning of middle school was to sit down and read R.L. Stine's Goosebumps novels and watching the TV series that aired every October to celebrate Halloween. I still remember those late nights were I would stay up past my bed time to finish whatever story I was on, and then staying up even later because I was too afraid to fall asleep. I also remember sitting down in front of my TV screen and hearing the words, "Viewer beware, you are in for a scare". At the time I wasn't old enough to watch most horror movies, so Goosebumps was all I had when I was looking for a scare. Looking back on those stories the Stine had created, they don't seem too scary, but I will always love them just because of the nostalgia. Especially such classics like "Night of the Living Dummy", "The Haunted Mask", "Attack of the Mutant", and many others. I must have read them all, and if I didn't then I was pretty damn close. Such good memories.

And now Hollywood is making Goosbumps into a movie. I really don't know how I should feel about this. Should I be happy that I am going to see something I loved back on the big screen, or should I be worried that Hollywood is going ruin something I loved and held so close?

Anyway, Goosebumps began it's filming a few days ago and the official plot was released. The story will follow Zach Cooper (Dylan Minnette) who moves from a big city to a small town. Guess what, he's not too happy about it. Things eventually get better for Zach when he meets the beautiful girl next door, Hannah (Odeya Rush). Zach soon learns that Hannah's father is author R.L. Stine (Jack Black), who is actually very strange. The reason why he is so strange is because he is a prisoner of his own imagination. Those monsters he created in his books are real, and Stine holds them back by locking them up inside the books. And guess what, Zach unleashes all of the monsters, leaving it to him, Hannah, and Stine to stop them.

Okay, I will admit that I am somewhat intrigued. Most of the plot sounds clichéd, such as an upset teen moving into a small town, finding something interesting and then ends up causing a huge problem, but I love the fact that they are putting Stine in the mix and the fact that he has to lock up his creations inside his books. That idea alone fascinates me. I just hope that the studio doesn't make this movie a full blown comedy because a plot like this could easily be turned into a comedy. I'm not saying that this movie can't have humor, I just want the movie to be a fun ride that has plenty of scares that could scare kids and adults.

The only things that really make me skeptical about this movie is the fact that Rob Letterman is directing the film and that Jack Black is the star. Letterman has directed Shark Tale, Monsters vs. Aliens, and Gulliver's Travels. I'm not saying he's a bad director by saying I'm worried about him directing this movie, it's just I want this movie to be fun and creepy, and I'm worried because all he's done is kid movies. I know this movie is meant for a younger audiences, but this movie also needs to appeal to the original readers and viewers. Also, Jack Black as R.L. Stine is just an interesting choice. He has given some good performances in the past, and I think he good give a good performance in this movie. I just hope this isn't another goofy character for him to play like other characters he has played in the past. Right now I'm just hoping for the best. Maybe Letterman and Black will surprise me and do a terrific job. Or maybe I'll be extremely disappointed and wish that James Wan would have directed this movie.

So far I am on board to see this movie. Like I said, I am skeptical about Letterman and Black, but other then that everything sounds good so far. The story sounds really intriguing and is something that could appeal to new audiences and the original audience. And I do like actor Dylan Minnette who had a supporting role in last years Prisoners and was in a few episodes of Lost. This movie doesn't sound like a complete disaster yet, and I pray that it wont turn into one.

What are your thoughts about the upcoming Goosebumps movie? Let me know by commenting down below in the comment section.

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